One of the reasons that my ancestors settled in Blackwater, Virginia, was due to the salt lick located near where the Blackwater Post Office is/was located today. This attracted abundant game and provided a source for salt to preserve their meat.
I was searching for other references to it and was pleased to see that Wikipeida had linked to my web site as a source of information for the Blackwater salt lick. Please see
Blackwater Lick Primitive Baptist Church, also known as “Big Door”, was named after the nearby salt lick when it was organized on September 27, 1847. This church is currently located on Route 604 directly across the street from the old Blackwater School. Here is a helpful website that gives some details:
Here is another reference from the family line for Doswell Rogers at
Joseph Rogers had an agreement with old William Roberts whereby he acquired an equitable interest to 1/8th to four tracts of land lying on Blackwater and including in one tract the same interest to the Blackwater saltworks. The legal Title to the last was still in William Roberts name at the time of Joseph Rogers death and the widow, Susannah Rogers who was then m. to James Walling was entitled to one third of one eight of the said land as her dower, Since she wanted to sell these lands the title had to be cleared.
In 1819 and in 1821 Susannah ( Rogers ) Wallen was trying to clear the Title to land in which she had interest as her Dower Right. The case eventually settles out of court for her Dower interest in the land. From what I have here, it appears that William Roberts (brother-in-law of Joseph Rogers ) sold her Dower and she then took it to court. A settlement was reached while the children were still under age.
Deed Book 5 – pages 5, 6, 7 Lee County, Virginia[xlvi]
Joseph Rogers had an agreement with old William Roberts [husband of Catherine Rogers , sister of Joseph] whereby he acquired an equitable interest to 1/8th to four tracts of land lying on Blackwater and including in one tract the same interest to the Blackwater saltworks. The legal Title to the last was still in William Roberts name at the time of Joseph Rogers death and the widow, Susannah Rogers who was then m. to James Walling was entitled to one third of one eight of the said land as her dower, Since she wanted to sell these lands the title had to be cleared.
However, we find that her children take the case back to Court in 1842. All the parties in the suit are related to one another.
Chancery Order Book 1 – 1832-1868 – page 90 – Lee County Virginia[xlvii]
At Rules held in the Clerk’s office of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery, for Lee County, on Monday the 7th day of November 1842.
Henry Rogers , Edley H. Rogers , William M. Davis and Louisa his wife, formerly Louisa Rogers and Thomas Russell and Lucinda his wife , formerly Lucinda Rogers heirs at Law of Joseph Rogers , deceased.
Complaint against: James Roberts , William Roberts , Thomas Roberts , John Robert s , Jesse Roberts , Emanuel Roberts , George B. Roberts and Jesse Robinett and Susan his wife, heirs of William Roberts, deceased and Emanual Roberts , Elizabeth Roberts and Joseph Roberts , heirs at law of Joseph Roberts, deceased and George Rogers , Commodore Rogers , Mary Rogers and Joseph Rogers , heirs of Elizabeth Rogers , deceased. And Sally Lawson , Peggy Lawson , Susan Lawson and Catherine Lawson , heirs of Mary Lawson , deceased. Defendants
The defendants, James Roberts , William Roberts , George B. Roberts , George Rogers , Commodore Rogers , Mary Rogers , and Joseph Rogers , not having entered their appearance and give security according to the Act of Assembly and the Rules of this Court and it appearing from satisfactory evidence that they are not inhabitants of this commonwealth, it is ordered that the Defendants do appear here on the first Monday in February next and answer the bill of the complaints and that a copy of this order be forwith inserted in some public newspaper published in this commonwealth for two months successively, and posted at the front door of the Courthouse of this County.